
Seek Him First!

My boys are busy, often running around in a hurry! In the chaos, they often misplace things. I try to remind my boys that if you lose something, the first thing you need to do is pray about it! So many times they look and look for things missing, and the second we pray, God reveals it to us! Today, my oldest son lost his keys to his car at the local gaming center. He looked, and looked, and then called me in a panic. I drove over there, huddled the boys together in the parking lot, and we prayed! We walked in, and I said to him, "Did you check the garbage?" Sure enough, it was there! He threw it away with candy wrappers he had in his pocket! We were in there a total of 30 seconds before he found it!

It is amazing to think that God cares about our smallest of needs, but reminds us that we need to look to Him first! How many times do we try to do things in our strength? How many times are we too independent to pray? As Christians, the first thing on our minds should be to cry out to God for our needs, and yet we continue to fight our own fight. I am thankful that God reminds us to seek Him first, to run to Him in our time of need, and to know that even when we foolishly try every other path, He is waiting there for us to come back to Him for the answers.

My son lost something important to him. He searched and searched on his own, leaving himself feeling distraught and frustrated. Not finding what he desired, he calls for me, hoping that I can rescue him from his plight. How many times do we turn to each other first for wisdom, instead of running to God for help? May we truly learn to lean on God, put Him first in all our circumstances, and allow Him to be in control of every part of our life! May we always, "Seek Him First".

Luke 12:31 "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Bloom Where You are Planted

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Bloom where you are planted?" Yesterday, some of our sweet youth performed a human video. As they were performing it, a flood of emotions filled me. You know those moments where God reveals? Well, this was one of them for me. As I sat there, God reminded me of what an amazing opportunity I have as a youth leader. Each one of those beautiful youth that were moving on stage to that music are mine. Mine in the sense that God had entrusted them to me to help teach and nurture. I know each one of those youth personally. I know their likes and dislikes, their friends; I see their smiles, feel their hugs when they greet me, and know their struggles. Some are friends with my boys, others are on my worship team, and yet others I have in my small group at times. I get the privilege of seeing them each week, talk to them, pray with them, rejoice with them in their journeys, and minister to them in their moments of trials. I have had parents encourage me and thank me for pouring into their children. In that moment of clarity, God reminded me how He has blessed me with this amazing ministry. It is uniquely made for me at this moment in time.

Being a homeschool mom, I can keep myself very busy. I have the daily stresses of teaching my children, along with the constant need to keep them socialized. While doing this, sometimes it means running from place to place to place. Being a youth leader takes time. It is not a quick go and come home type of thing. There's weekly gatherings, weekend game nights, prayer nights, monthly meetings, etc. There's cupcakes to bake, and music to make. There's schedules to write, and don't forget the most important, nightly prayers to say. Being a youth leader that wants to make a difference, takes work. I have to admit that it sometimes makes me tired. I have to drag myself some days there, after having a long day with school. But, when I get there, I am greeted with smiles; excited students ready to learn music. Bright eyes staring at me, waiting to touch those instruments and begin to practice a new song. In those moments, God fills me back up with joy. He reminds me of the lives I touch weekly. I am not some great and mighty theologian. I am not best friends with Ken Ham, or have the following of Billy Graham, yet I am no less of a person in God's eyes. I fill a role that only a few have been chosen to do at this time.

What is your role in the life of your church? Maybe you love people and feel called to be a greeter. Perhaps you love children and feel led to help with kids church. Or, maybe your time only allows you to help once in awhile with offering. Whatever you do, it is important in the eyes of God. Grow in the areas that God has for you. Even though you are exhausted at times or feel like you barely have a moment left, dig a little deeper and see where God can take you. Whatever your calling, allow God to show you how to make the most of it, and bloom where you are planted!

Jeremiah 17:7-8 "“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”