Our church has been called to do a "Daniel Fast". What is a "Daniel Fast" you may ask? Well, it's basically a time of prayer and devotion to God while eliminating certain foods from your diet. In Daniel 10:3, the Bible says, "I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks." So, as you see, the fast consists of a strict diet of only fruits, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains. During this time of fast, a person spends time in prayer during the preparations of meals and extra special time in your devotions. Using this time, it allows us to draw closer to God and help you focus on some of the independent issues we may face in our daily Christian walk.
Day 1, "Pop no more". Well, it's Day 1 for me, and of course at this moment, I am only thinking about the things that will be taken away from me today. I will miss my caffeine, meat, and of course sugar!!! I have already bought all the foods I need to help me through this coming week, but as I am the only member of my family doing this, it's going to be hard to watch everyone else eat the things I love!
On the spiritual side, I am ready to start diving in! This last week in devotions, I have reread the book of Daniel, and during my fast will begin studying the book of Revelations. I, of course, try to read my Bible each day, but I tend to avoid Revelations. That book scares me at times! The end, the things to come, the unknown, make me nervous! I am hoping that as I read and fast these next three weeks, God will open up wisdom and remove fear from my heart.
Well, to all my Facebook friends out there that follow my blogs, I will not be on for three weeks. I will update you here, and if you want to contact me, please leave your comments on my blog website. God bless all my friends who are doing this along side me.
Wow! I hope u feel the supernatural strength of the Lord with u the next few weeks :)