
Thankful For Our Scars!

When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of family gatherings and lots of food. We take the time to think about all the things we are thankful for. Many families gather around a table filled with turkey and all the fixings and express their gratefulness for the things they hold dear.

We are always thankful for the good things, the blessings. We express thankfulness for our family, our health, and any wealth that God may have provided for us in the past year. But, we never thank God for the trials, the many things that He has taught us, or the scars that have taken place during those low moments in our year.

When I was thinking about what to say today, I was going to make a list of all things we should be grateful for and try to remember to help others out this holiday season. That is a great message, but God slowly revealed a different side to the meaning of being thankful. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, God’s word says, “ Be thankful in ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” The key word here is ALL. It’s easy to be thankful for ALL those amazing blessings, but it sure is hard to be thankful for ALL those learning experiences that leave those scars.

Have you ever been through something and you feel alone, and then out of nowhere you find out someone understands? I had that happen last month. A parent was going through something, and I shared that I had been through the same thing. Their eyes instantly filled with tears as they thanked me for sharing and reminding them that they are not alone. It may not be ideal to go through these trials in life, but the scars they leave can be reminders of where we have been, they can be lessons learned, joy in reminding us that we are no longer in that place, and we may even become thankful for the scars that God gave us so that we maybe can understand what others are going through or cause gratitude at what God saved us from.

My last story is a personal one for me. When my boys were little, we were busy doing “life”. Things were going well, my husband had a great job, my boys were healthy, I was thankful, but the company my husband worked for announced that right before Thanksgiving they would be laying off 300 people. My husband was one of those 300 people. Eventually the company closed down. I remember standing in my kitchen, shocked at what I was hearing. Right before the holidays, my husband lost his job and I remember just looking at my boys and trying not to panic. I remember thinking, “God’s got this. We will be ok. Hopefully it won’t be long and he will have something quickly take its place.” Well, when you have 300 people ALL looking for jobs at the same time, let’s just say the market doesn’t run in your favor! We spent 3 years in part-time jobs just trying to survive! The struggle was real. I remember at the end of the 3 years, I finally just broke down on my bathroom floor in tears. I felt frustrated, mentally exhausted, and that God had left us at times. Let’s say my faith had left me for a moment. My husband had put out so many resumes that I used to joke that we could make wallpaper out of the rejection letters! Then one day, the call came! A full-time job! I cannot even begin to tell you how thankful I was. I still remember every moment of the day that he lost his job and the day he received a job. I can tell you where I was standing, what was said, the amount of joy we had when the call came. 3 years of scars, and in that moment, God reminded us that it will all be ok. I learned a lot from those scars. God constantly reminds me to trust Him through it all. He reminds me that I am not in control, and He reminds me to be thankful in any job that I hold and I hold this one dear to my heart. I am thankful for my scars, for it showed me how to rely on God in all circumstances.

So, when we think about all the amazing things that God has blessed us with this month, let’s take a moment to remember those things He saved us from and be thankful for those scars!


Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom

Have you ever had those moments when the Holy Spirit whispers in your ear to do something, but you don't want to do it? It's like God wants to put you in the most awkward positions to get you do what He has asked of you. As a Christian, I try hard to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. He is definitely no man made GPS, for He is accurate 100% of the time. He knows the entire situations of not just me, but my surroundings. As a human, I gauge things according to my feelings, my situations, and follow accordingly, but God wants us to view things from others perspectives, not just our own.

On the flip side...have you ever felt alone. I mean...alone, yet you are surrounded by people? Even if the people truly care about you, you can face this loneliness that only you understand. Maybe you are the type of person who doesn't know how to reach out to others. It takes alot of courage to open your mouth and speak those few words, "Please help me." It makes you feel vulnerable, exposed, and you feel like once you say them, people will view you differently and in the end you feel even more alone.

I was recently in a restaurant with people I know well. Despite knowing them well, I knew that one person in particular struggles with anxiety and depression. This person represents the loneliness that one can feel in a crowded room. This person is overwhelmed by crowds, struggling with her own personal needs, and consumed by what the week had brought before her. Despite surrounded by an entire room of people, some of whom love her, you can tell she always feels alone. At times she blurts out how she feels and at other times she pushes her feelings deep, deep down.

Sensing how her week had been going, I began to ask questions and figured out some of the issues that plagued her this past week. The Holy Spirit nudged me to pray with her. Pray with her? That's the easy part, but praying with her in a crowded restaurant, surrounded by people looking, awkwardly asking if I could pray for her, and wondering her reaction was the hard part! As we were leaving, I walked over, put my arm around her and asked if I could pray for her. She said, yes, and I quietly pulled her aside, prayed for her, left a scripture that God had for her, and we went our separate ways. For me, despite it being awkward, it was something I knew that God wanted me to do. I put aside my feelings, put aside her feelings, and put God's wants first. Sure, it was probably extremely awkward for her as well. Yet, I know that sometimes when people can't physically speak and ask for help, that God sees their heart, hears their cries, and knows what's best for them.

I am not a hero. I am nobody. I am just a person that God placed there to speak His life into another. He orchestrates our lives, places us in situations, and stretches us to further His work. What is the Holy Spirit nudging you to do today? Will it completely pull you out of your comfort zone? Will it create awkward moments? Will you refuse? If I had refused, I could not have ministered to a hurting person at a time when she needed God most. I want to encourage you all today to listen to what God is telling you. That little nudge in your spirit...that's the Holy Spirit, asking you to be there for another...asking you to step outside of your comfort zone to comfort another, giving them freedom. The verse for you today is "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17.


Where Are Your Steps Taking You?

What is your purpose in life? Why did God put you on this earth at this specific time? Why are you at the job you are at? What path are you suppose to take in the future? These are all great questions that God has answers to! Unfortunately, He doesn't always lay it out in front of us in a daily map! Wouldn't that be nice!

Many of us live life in a monotonous fashion. We get up way too early for our taste and fumble our way in the dark to find that ever so hidden light switch. We drag ourselves with eyes clenched over to the coffee machine, where we beg for a cup to brew quickly and go through the tedious motions of getting ready for our day. We get to our job and force our way through each boring task, waiting for that final "bell" to ring. We then drive home, plop ourselves in front of the tv, and finally fall asleep. We awake, yet again, as we begrudgingly start the next day all over again. This humdrum life we live becomes meaningless and overall depressing!

What is God's purpose for us? What are we missing in our average day to day? Many of us think that to be called by God we have to be a missionary, out in the trenches, fighting to survive to tell others about Christ. But, if we are all missionaries, where are the doctors to take care of us if we are sick? Well, then we have to be pastors, standing in front of the pulpit to be used by God! Nope! If we were all pastors, who would fight those fires when your crazy cooking gets out of hand? God has called us to be the light right where He has placed us. He hasn't called us all to be missionaries overseas, but He might be calling you to pray for the person in that cubicle next to you and invite them to church. He may not have called you to be a pastor, but He may be asking you to help a needy family during the holiday season.

If life has become a daily chore for you, I encourage to stop and look around you this holiday season. What is your purpose for being at your job? I am not talking about the importance of your job from an earthly standpoint; I am talking about the spiritual reason that God has placed you where you are each day? Who do you see? Really look into the eyes of that Starbucks barista handing you that coffee each morning. Why did God put them in front of you that day? Why did you drive by that accident on the way to work? Was it because of your strong CPR skills? No, take a moment to pray for the people involved and remember them throughout the day. Who knows where they will eternally be that day.

I charge you to open your eyes daily. Truly take a moment to really look at each person that crosses your path, listen carefully to those people on the phone that you may be helping pay their bill, or observe the co-worker that might be struggling that day. What can you do for them? If nothing physically, then may we always remember to pray for those around us, for God has a purpose for you and for them. God does not make mistakes and has ordered your steps and theirs. Where are your steps taking you today?

Psalm 90: 10& 12 "The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away...So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."


Find Your Passion!

Have you ever noticed when others or yourself are working out of obligation instead of passion, and the fire for what they are doing is just...out? Whether it be your job, church, family, or other obligations, even if the person is great at what they do, and people can find them irreplaceable, it is not where their joy is...their spark for it is....dead. God has been showing me, as I watch others, the difference between being great at something out of obligation and being great at something with a passion! Those are two totally different things! One is like going through the motions and the other is going above and beyond with a smile on your face, joy in your heart and a spring in your step! What are your passions? Are you going through the motions because you are great at what you do? Are you enduring and just passing the days? ...Or are you striving for that passion that only God gives through His calling?

If you find yourself complaining more about what you are doing than finding actual joy in it, then it is time to reevaluate! This is not to say that you won't have bad days and times where you second guess your choice...we all have those days and shouldn't run on emotion. But....if you feel like you are just going through the motions, then I encourage you today to pick up that pen and write a poem, paint a picture, jump out of that plane, run with the bulls, and tomorrow, play in the snow...all with a smile on your face and joy in your heart! Find the passion that God has stirred in you and begin to pursue it!

"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21).


Release Your Inner David!

Last night while I was sleeping, I began to dream. I felt this presence come over me. It held me down, shut my lips, and would not allow me to move. As I was laying there, motionless, the only thing that I could whisper was, "Jesus". I began to whisper it over and over. I was slowly able to say it louder and louder, until my lips were loosened, and I was able to say, "In the name of Jesus!" I suddenly awoke! My heart was pounding out of my chest! I snuggled close to my husband, as if he could protect me from this nightmare. I laid in silence, heart pounding, for what felt like an eternity. Everytime I felt that my heart was about to slow down, it began to pound once again. My heart finally settled down, and I felt a peace come over me. God said to me, "Release your inner David." Release my inner David? What does that even mean. I slowly got up the courage to grab my Bible, leave my little, safe cocoon, and go onto the couch to figure out what God was trying to tell me.

Most people have heard of the story of David and Goliath. Even if you don't crack the Bible often, you have heard of that story as a child. It takes place in 1 Samuel 17. In this story you have war. The fight is between the Israelites and Philistines. In the story it talks about a Giant named, Goliath. The Bible states that Goliath was 9 ft 4" tall! Wow! It says his helmet was made of bronze, and his armor weighed 125 lbs! The army of the Philistines stood behind their giant. He went each day to the front of the line and screamed, "Send one of your 'men' to fight me!"

Now, in this story, we know of a young shepherd boy. He was, just a boy. He helped his father and older brothers tend their sheep. While some of his brothers went off to fight, his father sent him to take them food and to check-up on them. David took the food, and while at the front of the battle line, he watched as this giant of a man came out and said his speech once again. "Send one of your 'men' to fight me!" David, although just a boy, wanted to know what was going to be done about this giant that mocked God and their army. It says that David said to Saul, "Don't let anyone be discouraged, I, your servant will go and fight this Philistine! 1 Samuel 17:32. Can you imagine what Saul is thinking right now? He has an army of all these strong men that run and hide at the sight of this giant, and this boy comes to him, ready to step up to the plate and take him head on! It says that Saul replied, "You can't go against this Philistine and fight him, you're only a boy! (Vs 33). After David convinced Saul that he was right for this job, Saul tried to give him armor. This armor was way too heavy, for he was only a boy! He told Saul that he could mot wear it for he was not used to it. He took it off and as we all know, found those smooth stones. A weapon he was used to. He was familiar with it, because God had already trained him how to use it effectively in his life.

Now, little David was ready to face this giant. He had his large, strong army...er...scared army behind him. He has his amazing armor...um...his slingshot and rock, while Goliath had a confident army, and armor that probably weighed as much as David alone! David did not let those thoughts stop him! He knew that God was with him. In the Bible it says that Goliath began to go towards David. At that moment, David ran to meet him! Not only did David go out there with no army behind him and no armor, he ran to his enemy! It says he took that one smooth stone, and you know the rest! Yep, right between the eyes! Down goes that 9 ft 4 inch giant! One stone!

Now, what does that story have to do with me? With us? I am but a small person. I am human, weak, and at times feel ill-equipped. We have mountains that we face, dragons to conquer, and giants to kill. But....we are just a boy inside. We feel at times these giants are too much for us. We run, we hide, we look for others to fight for us. We look at the armor of the enemy and think about how strong they must be as we sit and hold this little, tiny rock in our hands. We forget at times that we have the greatest weapon...God! The Bible says, "If God is for us, who can be against us!"

Last night, I awoke from a dream where I was held down, mouth muzzled, not allowed to move! The one thing I could do? Say the name of Jesus! It started out as a whisper, and grew, and grew! I awoke! Fear overcame me! God took over and encouraged me to find my "Inner David"....my confidence...my calling!

What giants are you facing today? Do you feel overwhelmed, inadequate, ill-equipped, and like you are just a small boy that is powerless against such an obstacle? Release your inner David today. Do you think David had fear? Do you think that his heart was pounding out of his chest while he ran to his enemy? I do! I feel, though, he ran with confidence! He knew that God had prepared him for this moment...not with swords, bows, guns, grenades, but with a sling and a stone, that had been used to protect his family's sheep. What is your weapon? What has God given you to defeat those giants in your life? Use what is uniquely yours, given to you by God! Take hold of that sling, be confident, run up to that giant, and release your inner David!


Touched by an Angel

Many of you may have heard, read, or seen the book or movie, "90 Minutes in Heaven." This story is about a preacher who was hit by a truck on a highway, died, went to Heaven, and returned back to earth to tell us of his journey. It is a very powerful story that God used to give us a glimpse of Heaven, to show us that it is real, and to remind us to keep the faith! My story is not about a horrible tragedy; I was never in harm nor was I dying, but my story is just as real.

Do you ever struggle with fear? When you were young, did you jump under the covers during a thunderstorm, cry for your mother when that thunder clapped, or run to the closet at the first blast of wind? For me, one of my greatest fears was a thunderstorm. I always envisioned a tornado destroying the house, taking me up in it, or that the lightning would strike me. (I suppose I had seen Dorothy in her flying house too many times!) During those moments, I would be completely consumed by fear. I would cry uncontrollably and run to the closet for safety, hide under the covers, or run to my mom!

I grew-up in a 4 story home. You had the attic, which was cool to me, filled with trinkets from the past, the upstairs, the downstairs, and the creepy basement...hey, I was little! Since the time I was born, I shared a room downstairs with my brother while my parents had their bedroom next door to us. I was always near someone while I slept. I felt safe and secure. As I got a little older, my parents decided we needed our own rooms and moved us upstairs. I had this nice, big room filled with my toys and stuffed animals. Along with this wonderful room came windows...lots of windows. We lived on a farm, and from where my room was, you could see fields and farm equipment for a mile. The view was amazing, until it was night when it was completely dark or there was a thunderstorm. Most nights, if I was afraid, I would either run downstairs to jump into bed with my mom or I would sneak into my brother's room for safety. One night I awoke to flashes of light. A storm was upon us! Lighting the night sky was constant flickers of light, loud crashes, and whistling winds. I jumped out of my bed, terrified! I remember thinking that I was a big girl now, I shouldn't bother my parents or brother, and that I needed to be brave. But, the problem was, I didn't know how! I ran to the upstairs hallway and silently began to cry. In the hallway was a picture that had been hanging there since I could remember. It is a very famous picture of two children about to cross a bridge as an angel stood near to protect them. I stared and stared at that picture as I silently cried and cried, afraid of the noises and lights that the storm was producing. I walked back into my room that was lined with windows. Everywhere I turned I saw the storm that was terrorizing my thoughts. After standing there crying, feeling like my feet were frozen in fright, I jumped into bed and pulled the covers over my head. I do not remember falling asleep, but I must have, as the next memory I have was being awoken by a different light. This light was beautiful; it glowed. My eyes opened as I looked to my left and saw an angel sitting beside me on my bed. Unable to speak or move the rest of my body, I remember feeling startled, yet calm. In a voice so clear, the angel said, "Do not be afraid, God is with you." As quickly as he had appeared, he had gone. In what seemed like an instant, it was morning. I awoke and immediately knew what had miraculously occurred. I rushed downstairs quickly to tell my mother. Unlike the story of the man afraid to tell others, in fear that he would appear crazy, I knew that my parents would believe me. I had seen an angel. God had sent me my guardian angel! I did not hesitate to share the news.

To this day, I can remember it like it was yesterday. I remember the room, where he sat, his voice, and the exact words. I apply it to my life, and tell the story to my children to let them know that God is real. I was not dying, I was in no real harm, but God cared enough about me, a little child, that he took time to comfort me and let me know that it will be alright...He is with me; He is always with me. I carry this story with me always. He is not just with me during the thunderstorms; He is with me when I feel afraid in any situation of my life, no matter how big or small.

Are you afraid today? Have you let the storms of life consume you with fear? God is with you; there is no need to be afraid.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Seek Him First!

My boys are busy, often running around in a hurry! In the chaos, they often misplace things. I try to remind my boys that if you lose something, the first thing you need to do is pray about it! So many times they look and look for things missing, and the second we pray, God reveals it to us! Today, my oldest son lost his keys to his car at the local gaming center. He looked, and looked, and then called me in a panic. I drove over there, huddled the boys together in the parking lot, and we prayed! We walked in, and I said to him, "Did you check the garbage?" Sure enough, it was there! He threw it away with candy wrappers he had in his pocket! We were in there a total of 30 seconds before he found it!

It is amazing to think that God cares about our smallest of needs, but reminds us that we need to look to Him first! How many times do we try to do things in our strength? How many times are we too independent to pray? As Christians, the first thing on our minds should be to cry out to God for our needs, and yet we continue to fight our own fight. I am thankful that God reminds us to seek Him first, to run to Him in our time of need, and to know that even when we foolishly try every other path, He is waiting there for us to come back to Him for the answers.

My son lost something important to him. He searched and searched on his own, leaving himself feeling distraught and frustrated. Not finding what he desired, he calls for me, hoping that I can rescue him from his plight. How many times do we turn to each other first for wisdom, instead of running to God for help? May we truly learn to lean on God, put Him first in all our circumstances, and allow Him to be in control of every part of our life! May we always, "Seek Him First".

Luke 12:31 "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.